Accidents, Ambivalence, and Clarity

wednesdays with wayne Jul 10, 2024

Sometimes a profound quote from a mentor sticks with you. From my clinical psychology grad-school days (dang, 45 years ago) comes this gem: 


Accidents Are The Choreography of Ambivalence


How great is that! If you think about the times you’ve hesitated instead of being clearly decisive, you’ll see that there were a lot of opportunities for things to go badly. And if you reflect on the accidents in your life, you’ll see that someone involved made a decision up the line that wasn’t based on real clarity.


It’s this simple – we say we’re “confused” when we’re not clear about our desired outcome. Maybe guilt or shame stops us from pursuing what we really, truly desire. So our vision of what we want is obfuscated. We demonstrate our ambivalence in various ways. An “accident” happens. And then of course, we can’t be, do, or have what we want because of the “accident.”


Reflect on your accountability (no blame or shame here) for not getting the things you said you wanted. You weren’t clear. 


That’s the simple part: Clarity Creates Freedom


Ambivalence is normal, by the way. When you’re growing into something new, you’re going to question whether it’s the right thing to do or path to take. Catch that happening. Make it conscious. Acknowledge it. And bring yourself back to the clarity of what it is you desire.


You are worthy of having it.

Let go of shame and guilt.


Clarity Creates Freedom because you decide what’s in and what’s out of your path. Then, everything you do moves you closer to your true desire. 


Give that some thought. Maybe read through this all again.


Keep making your magic.


= Wayne = 

Clarity happens at The Exponential Success Summit, a small group of people who come together to positively build their future by gaining clarity about their desires and getting solid about what’s in and what’s out. You could be one of the few at the next mastermind. Interested? Take the best next step to make it happen!


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