Boil On!!!

wednesdays with wayne Jul 17, 2024

You’ll hear me talk about Exponential Success and it may be a concept that just blows past you. I’m not talking about becoming successful. I’m talking about taking your path from fine to absolutely amazing. I’m talking about going from room temp to boiling.


Room temperature – everything is fine. My life is fine. I’m, uh… living the dream (which means I’m lying about being fine).


Warm – you know, I’ve made some decisions and chosen a path that’s pretty good. I feel good. I have some of the things I want for my life. I really don’t need those other things.

Remember that I’ll encourage you to get really clear about what you desire. That’s where you make your life truly magical. And when you hear the voice in your head telling you that you don’t need that thing you’re interested in, pay attention to who’s voice that is. The voice of shame or guilt is likely from your childhood… back to when you were five or six years old. 


Hot – You’re on a path of success. You planned it. You grew it. And you’re a mover and a shaker. You’re making things happen. It’s exhausting at times and somehow there’s an edge you can’t seem to get past. You look successful, you feel successful, and yet, you’re still aching for more.


BOILING! – You’ve recognized that YOU are in charge of your life, your calendar, and the things you fill your days with. You got here by making a leap that created true EXPONENTIAL SUCCESS. The leap was easy, but you couldn’t take it before because you didn’t have the clarity you needed. 


Without Clarity, You Can’t Have Certainty


The confidence to make your best next move comes from a few easy steps.


Do you know the difference between hot water and boiling water?

One degree (Fahrenheit). Just one degree.


Hot water is hot up to 211*

Bring it up just one degree more and you’re at 212* 


You’re hot at 211*

You’re boiling at 212*

What is that one degree of difference in your life? 


Clarity 🡪 Certainty 🡪 Confidence


What do you truly desire? Can you dare to desire? Then, can you dare to declare what you desire? (As a resource for gaining clarity and a plan to move you exponentially ahead much faster and easier, CLICK HERE.)

Get clear about what you desire.

Proceed with certainty that it’s already done. See it in your mind’s eye as complete.

Proceed with confidence as all decisions are based on that.


Keep making your magic. Turn up the heat just one degree. And, boil on!!!


= Wayne =

            The fast way to get to boiling is in doing a deep dive for yourself. Give yourself the gift of exploring the small-group mastermind that I call The Exponential Success Summit. Happening in October. Check it out!


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