Clarity Opens Hidden Doors

wednesdays with wayne Oct 02, 2024

There’s a saying that goes, “When one door closes, another one opens. But man! These hallways are a b**ch!”  Today, we’re going to explore those hallways. They’re where you stub your toe trying to find your way.


Finding your way is a BIG deal. There’s another saying that goes, “if you don’t know where you’re headed, any road will take you there.” That one is from Alice in Wonderland. 


Clarity about your intended outcome is like telling your GPS where you want to go. If you don’t have a destination, you’re just looking at a broad map. If you DO have a destination, a few things happen: 1) your current location is determined, 2) the “best” route is calculated, and 3) the destination is highlighted. 


You need to know your current situation/position.

From there, all things are possible. And when you are focused on moving towards an outcome, you make decisions based on that outcome. 


Yes, you might need to reroute from time to time.

Yes, you might need to stop to rest from time to time.

And still, you move closer to your goal. 


The hidden doors that open for you are the opportunities that show up. Get really clear. I mean, really clear. And declare what you want. Then, be open to opportunities that show up. A few years back, I declared that I wanted to amp up my speaking. I declared – on paper and out loud – that I wanted Big Stages. Within a month, I was working with an award-winning director out of New York. And within another month after that, she invited me to be featured in a documentary. The name of that documentary: Big Stages! 

(It’s now streaming on Amazon prime if you want to find it.)


What?? Yes. I declared what I wanted and I thought it would look different when I got there. Oh, I’m still speaking and doing elite coaching, it’s just that now, the quest for Big Stages is behind me. 


That kind of thing has happened multiple times. Look at the opportunities that have shown up for you; I’m certain that hidden doors have shown up offering you the opportunities to explore. Maybe you did! Maybe, the opportunities were too disguised, and you let them pass. This then, is a simple reminder for you to stay alert to the hidden doors that open when you’re not expecting them. The hallways, they’re actually your friend. Getting clarity on your desires allows opportunities to present themselves. 


Get clear.

Stay alert.

And lean in.

Oh, and keep making your magic as only you can do.


= Wayne = 

P.S. The October small group mastermind is CLOSED. We have a group of wonderful people coming to Portugal to work on their future and themselves. The next Exponential Success Summit, where you’ll join a small group of other great people like you, is in April. I’m looking at a great place in California. 

Check out to learn more.


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