If you choose each of those words and add “what you want” to them, you’ll get some very clear directives for an amazing life!
Decide what you want. Most people don’t do that. They wait for approval. Even in business, most businesses lag because they’re waiting for some sign that what they really want is going to be approved of. Be bold.
As an individual human, be bold. What is it you want?? What is it that you really, truly desire? Be bold. Want it. Own it.
Decide what you want!
Explore what you want. What you want comes in so many different varieties. Explore your options and if none exist, make them. Want a car with a water feature? Want a stereo with a sandwich press? Your options for what you want are only limited by you limiting your imagination. Explore! Go to the weirdly impossible.
I led a group in a brainstorm around marketing and had them come up with the oddest ideas for getting their name out there. Hire the blimp. Use skywriting. Employ gorillas for singing telegrams. So many more ideas that would’ve been shut down.
What they came up with was a brilliant campaign that made them famous in their not-so-small town. They started locally and built from there.
Decide what you want.
Explore what you want.
Renew what you want because what you wanted when you were 12 years old isn’t what you want now. What you wanted in your twenties (probably) isn’t what you want now. You are allowed to change your desires as you move through the various chapters in your life. Whether it’s a relationship or a car or a job or a business offering – you can change what you want by going back to the first step and simply: Decide what you want.
Of course, if you renew your interest in what you have, you’re strengthening that. You had a desire to travel and you’re renewing that desire, awesome! You had a desire to learn a new skill? How’s that going? Take it to the next level.
It’s all up to you Decide, Explore, and Renew what you want.
And if you haven’t watched my masterclass on moving from desire to destination, there’s no cost to do so. Hit my website to view it!
Keep making your magic!
See you here next time!
= Wayne =
THIS… TODAY… it’s your last chance to register for April’s small group intensive. It’s what I call the Exponential Success Summit and I limit it to a small group of great people who are sincere about leveling up and helping others do the same along the way. More information is available to you here – it’s time. Don’t let this three-day-amazing experience slip by.
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