For those celebrating, Happy Christmas!!!
It might seem like some finish line that you finally get to cross.
While today is a time of joy and creating a ton of recycling, take just a moment to reflect back on the stress you’ve had this month.
Stress is so funny (not ha-ha funny, but ridiculous funny). It’s so often self-imposed.
Here’s how to measure and manage the stress you’ve taken on: Get Rational.
There’s a therapy style called RET or Rational-Emotive-Therapy. It basically puts your nose in the reality of your responses to any situation. Is the situation worth the amount of emotional energy you’re investing (or wasting)?
When you think about stress, in three years down the road, will you be looking back and carrying it with you? No, not likely. So, really, it’s a decision in the moment to let it go.
When you think about the big project you’re working on and the desire to see it come to fruition, will the emotional energy you’re putting into it be worth it? Very likely, yes. So, make the decision to keep that emotion alive with the Vision to motivate yourself forward.
Energy expense is a choice.
Does any of what you’re feeling right now really matter? I mean, it matters in the moment. And if you hold it up against the test of three years out, “will this emotion matter in this moment,” then you can choose to invest further or let it go.
It’s a choice and a decision.
You have the power to make this day, and all future days ahead matter. Something to keep in mind as we step into the New Year.
Happy holidays!
Keep making your magic!
See you here next year… I mean next week! Next week!
= Wayne =
P.S. Clarity, Desire, Direction, and Focus were all outcomes of my small group summit that I led in October in Portugal. On April 3rd – 5th, I’m leading a small group in the exploration of Exponential Success. It’s personal. It’s for you. And if you want in, reach out to me or go HERE to register. (Clicking the link gives you more information. Click through now!)
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