The holiday flurry has subsided. The New Year is fresh. You have hopes, dreams, excitement, and maybe some trepidation about the year ahead. All good. Have it. Feel it. Experience it. Love it.
About now, the bills from the past two months might be rolling in. A lot of people feel tension and pressure around those bills. I have. And then, I realized something.
When we cook at my house, we have pots, pans, spatulas, plates, forks, knives, cups, and more. They all end up headed to or near the sink.
I don’t mind doing dishes. I’m grateful to do them, actually.
If I’m doing dishes, it means that I’ve likely enjoyed a great meal. There was a “cost” to preparing the meal. And there’s a “cost” to completing it. I invest in my meals by doing the clean-up. And again, I’m grateful for everything that went into the meal itself.
I’m grateful to do the dishes.
And guess what! I’m grateful to pay the bills.
A sink full of dishes is the same as an inbox with invoices.
I have already enjoyed the benefits of the products or services that I ordered. Paying the bills is a ritual of gratitude for me. I’ve already enjoyed a great meal (not only can my wife drive—see last month’s blog—she can cook!), doing the dishes is a ritual of gratitude for me.
Shift your thinking about the perception of burden. Your bills aren’t a surprise. The plates you’re eating on aren’t a surprise. You know that there’s an entire cycle to enjoying something. Allow yourself to enjoy the conclusion, as well.
We think of November as a time to be thankful. Consider living in the mind-space of gratitude. It’s not some woo-woo concept. It’s about being present. And that comes from being aware. Notice. Get grateful. Enjoy your life more deeply.
It’s kind of simple, really.
Keep making your magic and yep, I’ll see you here next week!
= Wayne =
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