Happy New Year (My New Year)

wednesdays with wayne Sep 25, 2024

Birthday Greetings!

That’s right. It’s my birthday. It seems to happen every year. So what the heck!!!


Every year on my birthday, I celebrate my personal New Year. What others do on January 1st, I do three months ahead of that. 


Whether you do this on your birthday, on New Year’s Day, next Tuesday, or with me today, you’ll be miles ahead if you join me in doing these few steps. They’re not complicated. They do require some (mental) effort.




  1. Get out a pen and a journal (you do have one, don’t you?) or a pad of paper
  2. Write… write down your wishes – all of them, no matter how ridiculous. This is YOUR list. You don’t have to know how it’ll happen. Just write. Let it pour.
  3. Close your journal.
  4. Oh, there’s more? Open that thing up and write some more.
  5. Now… rewrite everything as if it’s the end of the year. Name the date and write, “I’m so happy that I got to do (or have) ______.”


What I found is that the things I wrote happened A LOT faster than I thought they would. Opportunities showed up and I jumped on ‘em.


Oh, that last thing is a really important step! Opportunities will show up. You have to lean in or you’ll be training your subconscious that you’re not really serious about what you said you wanted.


As an example, I got to hold a sloth and I’ve flown in a helicopter. Just a couple of experiences I wanted to have. I had to find out where sloths were near me. I had to say yes to paying for a helicopter flight. Opportunities require you to trade your resources (time, focus, money) to get to the next level.


I’m excited about what my journal holds for the coming year. I’m even more excited about who I’ll become as I work toward being the person who can enjoy the things on my list. It’s not a “wish” list. It’s a list of things that I’d treasure having or experiencing in my life. 


What would you treasure, truly?

How willing are you to trade your resources to become, then to do or have those things?


Write on!


Keep making your magic. If you’d like to share what you have written, I’d love to hear about what you would truly treasure!


And if you want help to get clarity around that, there are resources available for you. See what I wrote below my signature!


= Wayne = 

Some resources for you when you’re ready (or, before you think you’re ready):

  • My mini-Dr P is a place where you can ask “me” anything. (check my website)
  • The no-cost masterclass on powerful presence is available for you to watch, helping you find your desires, declare them, and get to them. (Yep, check my website)
  • And my next small group summit could be just what you need to break through the barriers holding you back. (on my website or reach out to me by responding here)
  • Dive in deep and reach out to learn about VIP coaching with me.



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