Powerful Presence: Step One

wednesdays with wayne Apr 29, 2020

On a recent exclusive webinar, I outlined five key steps to true Powerful Presence.  Why would you even consider Powerful Presence during a time when we’re all on Stay At Home orders?  The answer is simple:  Because it’s needed now more than ever.  Your engagement with others, starting at home, with family and colleagues via zoom, and masked-up out in the community makes more difference now than it ever has.

Couples are spending more time together and while memes made fun of either impending divorce filings or babies being born nine months from now, the truth is that the rules of being intimate have changed.  When you’re underfoot and seeing each other all the time, when you’re feeling the pressure of being locked in with no way to get out, and when feelings erupt with no “normal” acceptable outlet, people push away.

And that’s why your powerful presence, your ability to be engaged matters.  It feels like you’re giving all the time.  Why do you need to give more?  Because it’s needed, that’s why.

The same is true if you’re single and needing to log into work.  Statistics are showing that we’re connected online exponentially now.  We’re topping six to eight hours a day in front of a screen where we need to be “on” and might feel watched.

That’s why you need time for refueling, too.  Take time for you so that you can show up fully when it’s needed.  

Not only do you have permission to rest and refuel, you have permission to claim your space.  Remember that doing so doesn’t mean you’re taking space from someone else.  What does it mean, then, to claim your space?

It means engaging (politely) without apologizing.  There’s no more, “sorry can I just…” as introduction to statements.  The statements you’ll make now aren’t apologetic requests.  They’re statements.


Here’s something you might not have thought about: 

Who needs to hear you be decisively clear?



It’s true.  During this time of uncertainty, what we’re looking for is someone, anyone who is certain.  You may not be certain about when all of the pandemic stuff lifts.  No one is.  One thing you can be certain about is your ability to get through and your ability to figure things out each day.  Every… single… day…!  


Claim your space.  Show Up Bigger!


The other thing to know is that in the midst of everything, everyone (yes, everyone) could use a little perspective.  I’d like to offer two things to you: First – if you’re interested in a power call to see how I might be able to support you on your journey, feel free to book here: https://calendly.com/waynepernell/30-minute-power-call 

Second – I’m counting on being able to meet in small groups by October and if you’d like access to my elite small-group mastermind, just a dozen of us in a beautiful hotel in Hollywood, I’m taking early-bird registration.  Click here to learn more: www.StuckAtTheTop.com

See ya here next week!  

Be good to the people around you.

Be good to yourself, too!

~ Dr P ~


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