Seeding for Success

wednesdays with wayne Jan 14, 2025

It's said that the best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.

The next best time is today. 


That is, what you plant now takes root. It’s the unavoidable law of Cause and Effect. The outcomes you are seeing in your life right now are a result of the seeds you planted years ago. 


As with the law of gravity, it’s at work whether you can see it or not. Flip the switch on the wall by the door. Can you see electricity? And yet, you know its effect. 


The Law of Cause-and-Effect is At Work FOR You!

That’s right! Every result you have in your life right now is up to you to explore and leverage for your next exponential leap. 


The argument against this is that children who are abused did not cause the abuse. And that’s absolutely true. The perpetrator has cause and effect in motion. And the child who grows up a survivor—the stories that child grows into—become the seeds for the strong adult.  


Start with where you are. Right now. You got here. All of your history brought you to this point in time. You made decisions. You took action.


Or you didn’t.


Seeds of inaction are as strong as the seeds of action. You plant cause now and down the road, in a few moments or in several years, the effect is seen. As I write this, I am on a plane (yes, again) heading to New York. I was just offered “a soft, warm, delicious chocolate chip cookie.” (That means were about an hour out from landing.) Saying yes to the cookie has one effect. Politely declining has another. 


And so it is with every moment of every day.

(I politely declined, by the way. I was given a second chance, “Are you sure? They’re warm and fresh.” Smiling, I repeated my polite “no, thank you.” The flight attendant, Cate’s, response: “Alright. I respect that.” 


Cookies. Reaching out to someone who could use some contact. Following up or following through on the next step of a project. Choosing to invest in yourself or telling yourself that you need to save means reinforcing the story of growth vs. lack. Seeds from stories. Stories from emotions. Emotions from thoughts. 


Choosing how your day will go vs. being influenced by others about what’s so good or bad about the day. I choose joy every morning. I awaken with gratitude and a spirit of service. What seeds am I planting every day as opposed to those who choose to live their lives offended or in outrage. (By the way, look for the new research that shows that those who are outraged are more likely to spread misinformation. Just an aside to consider as you get sucked into media and social media stories aimed at getting your attention.)




Be deliberate.


Invest in your growth by planting the seeds of greatness for yourself, your family, and your team members.


Guard your thoughts. Direct the light, water, and then weed your garden when needed.


Keep making your magic and I’ll see you here next time!


= Wayne = 

What fuel will you give your body and your mind? What seeds are you deliberately planting? Will you choose to explore options for personal and professional growth? Might you choose to Click HERE!!!


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