Oh, really. For meeeee? You shouldn’t have…
Ahhhh, December! A time to prove to ourselves and loved ones that we really do care.
What’s the cost? No, this isn’t a lecture on overspending. (You already have that playing in your own head. I don’t need to add fuel to that.) This is about value.
What we value changes over time. That’s a good thing. Think about what you used to hope the weekend would bring. That’s sure changed in the past decade or two, hasn’t it??
Also, the value of the things we buy – that changes depending on context.
The cost of a bottle of water at an outlet is less than a dollar per bottle.
The price of that same bottle of water at a concert or event is six dollars.
It’s the same bottle.
What about those changes? What would the value be if that same bottle were being sold in the middle of a desert? What’s the difference if the product hasn’t changed?
The context.
The desire you have for that product increased! Who remembers Cabbage Patch Dolls, Tickle Me Elmo, or even Taylor Swift tickets?
When we buy something – or invest in the experience of something – we might have a moment of grumbling about the price. But in the end we soothe ourselves by knowing we have something of value.
Something what?
Something Of Value!
From dentistry to dining out. From customization to coaching. The value comes in how it enhances your life in some way. We’re trained to look for bargains (especially this time of year). How satisfied will you feel when you know you’re paying for the value of a thing or experience? This then, is permission to invest in your (mental) health and happiness. You don’t have to prove anything to anyone. (Nor do you need to get yourself deeply into debt.)
But (and I use that word infrequently) don’t get your knickers in a twist (great expression, right?) about spending on or investing in something that will change the way you feel about yourself. From the latest toy (MacBook, perhaps) to an experience (a concert or Exponential Success Coaching), the value is in how you feel. Buyer’s remorse doesn’t happen when you give yourself permission to invest in your up-leveled well-being.
So this season, as we close out the year, think about what it is you value. What you would truly treasure feeling, having, doing, or being.
Then, start the path to step into that. Sometimes, smaller consistent steps lay the foundation for an exponential leap.
When you own your life, you set the context. You prepare for context shifts. And you don’t get thrown by when a bottle of water changes in cost because it traveled six miles across town. You give the experience of drinking the water the value and you pay what it costs in the moment.
That’s you in control of you.
Enjoy this winter season!
Keep making your magic and I’ll see you here next week!
= Wayne =
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