The Edge of Uncertainty

wednesdays with wayne Feb 04, 2025

You might have experienced a peculiar feeling just before an amazing breakthrough. 

I have, and now I seek to feel it all the time. 

ALL the time. 


One key concept comes up over and over in studying the respected thinkers of the past and the successful leaders of today. My mentors and my mentors’ mentors have referred to this in their own ways, as well. Recently I watched a Netflix special that focused on a highly respected chef. He, too, related this as a foundation of his creative expression.


It’s this: There is a choice, every day – perhaps every moment of every day – and that is to live on the edge of uncertainty.


Why is this so important? 

Because most of us are taught to “be realistic,” to play it safe, and not to venture out too far. We learn how to be, based on the fears of those who guided us early on. Those fears got in. They got in quite subtly. They were seeds that sprouted into stories that have guided us into adulthood.


There’s a video out there shows preschoolers and toddlers playing in what looks like a school room. A large snake – like a big boa – is let loose into the school room and do you know what the kids do? They pet it. They squeeze it. They ignore it. Behind a one-way glass, you can see the parents freaking out. (And before you freak out, there were snake handlers in the room, so the kids were never in danger.) Without the parents’ ever so subtle – or grandly overt – responses to observe and take in, the kids carried on. For them, there was nothing to fear. Babies only have two innate fears: The fear of falling and the fear of loud noises. Without the input of others, without being taught what (or whom) to fear, we too would just carry on.


Most of us fear uncertainty. We’re taught that, too. And yet, in staying in a place that we consider safe, we stop ourselves from going after what we truly desire.


You likely made goals, resolutions, or wishes for this year. My guess, having worked with thousands of people, is that you didn’t set your goals big enough. 


Whether in business or in your personal life, you could be bigger. You could do, have, and BE more. What would happen if you bet on yourself without having all of the answers before starting out? You don’t need all the answers – you could live on the edge of uncertainty – as you take your best next step. And then the next.


Review your goals for the week, month, quarter, and year. Go a little bigger. Push yourself to the edge of uncertainty and get ready for some remarkable growth!


Keep making your magic and I’ll see you here next week!


= Wayne = 



In the next couple of weeks, I’ll be closing the doors on the Exponential Success Summit, my small group mastermind that’s happening in early April. I need final numbers and since it’s a curated group of fewer than 12 people, I’m offering you the opportunity to join now. To leverage your direction, to gain clarity (without certainty – yes, that’s a thing), lean into this and reach out to me. 


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