The Four Words To Turn It Around!

wednesdays with wayne Aug 29, 2018

A friend of mine brought a rescue breath to me by reminding me of something.  He said just four words to me and I think those words actually changed my life.  At least, they (re)opened my eyes and I began to see beyond the details that felt like they were burying me.

Your Wednesdays With Wayne this week is here!

Short and to the point is this:  High Performers have a lot going on.  It is easy to lose track of a detail here or there and that’s usually not critical.  Usually. Since High Performers come back to check on the details, the truth is, they’re not lost for long.  

Where people with a lot going on get buried is when all of the details seem to inundate you all at once.  Ever had that sense of almost being on top of things when six of the projects you’re working on need your attention?

And you begin to wonder… Is Any Of This Worth It?
You might want to stop and turn back.
You might feel like if you lose control of one thing, you’ve lost control of everything.

Should I move forward with this?
That question can be haunting.  And the thing is, you probably already know the answer to it.

And that’s where my friend’s advice comes in.  He simply said, “Doubt is the enemy.”

And I was reset.
I was back on track.

I knew what needed to be done and I needed to take just one more small step toward doing it.

The bottom line is to remember that you probably already know the right direction to head.  It doesn’t ALL have to be done all at once, you just need to take a small step toward doing it.

And now you’re back on track.

And if you’re not back on track, I suggest you look at where I have just two seats left in this select mastermind meeting – it’s a personal development retreat for leaders.  That ache for more? Yeah, we’ll handle it here! Seriously, go to and see if you’re one of the two people that’ll take the remaining seats and join me at a luxury hotel in Chicago in October.

Back on track!  Get there! And keep making your magic™!!!

~ Dr P ~


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