Wayne-isms Part FOUR – Keep Making Your Magic

wednesdays with wayne Jun 26, 2024

Did you ever notice the way I sign off my blog posts or pretty much any correspondence?


Keep Making Your Magic


I believe in you. 


I believe that each one of us has something magical to contribute to the world. That we’re here to give our unique gift. And, I believe that unique gift is magical. 


It’s up to each one of us to nurture it and to let it out. And that’s why a lot of my work focuses on getting you to Listen To The Whispers. 


Focus on that voice of true desire that says, “over here” and guides you to a path that you’ll really love. Let go of the “supposed to” stuff and the “get real, be rational” voices that feel like pushing. 


Your magic is found in the pull you feel from your heart. 


Remember how I said, “Enter when pulled?” It’s not always an argument that pulls you. Step in with wonder and curiosity. “Where might this lead me?”


That’s the magic: You, following your true desires and living into your purpose.


Oh, yeah. THAT is where you find your purpose. When you pay more attention to the tug at your heart and less attention to the “be realistic” messages. Being realistic, whatever that is, comes from someone else’s version of realism.


Be unrealistic. Be irrational and irreverent. In a word (or two), simply Be YOU.


As you think about the rest of the day, the week, and the weekend, think about those things you’ve set aside for “someday.” Think about how you might move closer to them. What one thing might you do to become, to do, or to have what you truly desire?  


Dare to desire. Dare to declare.

(Pssssstttt - for a no-cost help with this, I have a masterclass on moving from Desire to Destination. You’ll find it and a whole bunch of other resources at https://www.WaynePernell.com




And, uh, yeah… Keep Making Your Magic!!!


See you here next week!


= Wayne = 

Live into those dreams more fully by getting amazing clarity about what they are.

You, a handful of others (really, really small-group), and me in Portugal this October. 

Want to find out more? Message me! It’s not right for everyone, but it could be right for you. (Is this a “whisper” that might seem irrational? Maybe it’s time to step up and lean in.)


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