You and Your Magic

wednesdays with wayne Sep 04, 2024

Back in June, I wrote about a Wayne-ism about Keep Making Your Magic. That got some great feedback. It also got a response I didn’t expect when a friend of mine whom I hadn’t heard from in a while wrote to me with a serious question: What if you can no longer find your magic?


Sometimes you - people in general, not just you personally - get tired. Sometimes you get into the routine of giving until you don't have anything left to give. And then you look at your life and wonder where you're heading. You might even wonder how much is left. And at the very worst, you wonder if any of it is or was worth it.


Please, if you feel like you’re off purpose or lost your magic, there are a few things at play. 

You got into a routine of “doing the right thing” for everyone else and you forgot what it is that you truly desire. If you've leaned into all of the “supposed-to” stuff, then you let yourself get trapped into believing that "realistic" was the only path. 


Yes, there are things that need to be done.

No, they don’t all have to be done by you.

OR No, they don’t all have to be done by you Right NOW.

And No, you don’t have to martyr yourself to show your love for someone or something.


There’s no prize for deliberately making yourself a victim. This is a “snap out of it” moment. And maybe I could say this a little softer, but if you’re feeling lost it’s because you forgot who you are and what you really care about.


The subconscious activates with questions. So, get ready to ask yourself some really great ones!

What are the questions you need to ask?

Try these:

  • What have I been resisting, all the while knowing the path I could be on?
  • What have I been tolerating that I know, should I choose to stop, would shine a new light on and in my life?
  • What have I been focusing on that has stopped me from seeing the magic in my world?
  • What ten things am I grateful for right now? Ten? Fifty? A hundred? (make a list)
  • Imagine – let go of the negative side of imagination (worry) and step into the positive for a bit – imagine you had plenty of resources and lots of free time. What would you do in your life differently than you’re doing right now? (Seriously, this one is worth making a list.)
    • Pick one of those items on your list. What is the Best Next Step for moving closer to that as a goal?


It's your turn and your time, again. Shake it off and shake it up. 

The world absolutely needs you and your unique magic. 


And yes, until next time, Keep Making Your Magic!


= Wayne = 

Have you been to my website for the no-cost Powerful Presence Masterclass? You probably want to check it out. Head over to and you’ll find how to move from Desire to Destination!

*Apparently the Interweb digital police don’t like the word that starts with F and ends in ree. That’s like some spammy sales thing. 

I’m inviting you. It’s there in service of you. Enjoy.    


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