What Does It Take...?

wednesdays with wayne Oct 05, 2016

We did it, you and I; we did it!!! Now that The Significance Factor has launched and the contest I announced last week has passed, let’s look at what we did, how we did it, and what you need to know to get s**t done…

092916 SigFactor #1 In Strategic Mgmt (beating GoodToGreat)

The Significance Factor became a Best Seller on Thursday, September 29th and I couldn’t have asked for a better birthday present!

So what does it take to do something like that?  Funny enough, the answer to that can actually be found in The Significance Factor.

Over the next several weeks, I’ll walk us through the salient points from this new Best Seller (I don’t ever want to get over the feeling I get when I hear that: Best Seller… mmmmmmm).  For now, here are the essential steps and what they mean to you, even if you’re not writing a book:

First, know who you are and what you stand for.  Recognizing that your voice matters because you are clear about your vision and values is the first step in...

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Birthday Celebrations: New Website and The Significance Factor book launch!

wednesdays with wayne Sep 29, 2016

WELCOME!!! It’s a day of celebration and joy and you’re invited!

Today is my birthday!

My new website launched: www.DynamicLeader.com

And today is also the day that my new book The Significance Factor is available!  

By being here and reading this, it means you’re pretty special to me.  You could say… Significant, in fact!  The Significance Factor: Six Key Elements That Transform Your Life To Make It Truly Matter guides you to focus on yourSelf, to better define Success, and to create a Strategy to achieve it.

Click the book cover to grab your Kindle copy for only $0.99!

Oh, there’s more… so much more.  You’re here because you’re a leader.  It doesn’t necessarily matter what your title is.  If other people observe you, you’re making an impact.  That makes you Significant and it makes you a leader.

On my website, www.DynamicLeader.com, you can find some great resources for...

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